SDG 14 - UN



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FOR OUR CHILDREN - The UN sustainability development goals are designed to build a better world for next generations to come. Mankind has come a long way in a very short time. We are only just becoming self-aware in relation to the harm we are causing and the lack of safety nets for our future. The SDGs are international aims that are designed to repair planet earth to make it fit for purpose in supporting all life in a way that ensures the continued survival of species. These goals address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, peace and injustice. The Goals interconnect and in order to leave no one behind, it is important that we do our utmost to achieve each Goal and target by 2030.






The world’s oceans – their temperature, chemistry, currents and life – drive global systems that make the Earth habitable for humankind. Our rainwater, drinking water, weather, climate, coastlines, much of our food, and even the oxygen in the air we breathe, are all ultimately provided and regulated by the sea. Throughout history, oceans and seas have been vital conduits for trade and transportation.

Careful management of this essential global resource is a key feature of a sustainable future. However, at the current time, there is a continuous deterioration of coastal waters owing to the combined effects of pollution and ocean acidification. These menaces are having an adversarial effect on the functioning of ecosystems and biodiversity. This is also negatively impacting small scale fisheries.

Marine protected areas need to be effectively managed and well-resourced and regulations need to be put in place to reduce overfishing, marine pollution and ocean acidification.




Unfortunately, acid oceans are caused by greenhouse gases from our houses, vehicles, farming and factories as we burn fossil fuels, rather than use renewables.


Plastics are an essential component of modern living, a petrochemical distillate of crude oil. While plastics are essential to modern living an effective waste management system is not in place to recycle spent items, much of which finds its way into our ocean via rivers.


Elected representatives and civil servant policy makers have been unable to curb their kleptocratic mindsets to bring international politics out of the dark ages into the the anthropocene age.




With recent commitments made by governments around the globe, the world is on track to protect over 10% of the globe’s marine areas by 2020, announced Dr. Cristiana Pașca Palmer, the Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

This target was agreed by Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in 2010, and was also adopted by Member States of the United Nations as part of Sustainable Development Goal 14.

Since 1993, when the Convention on Biological Diversity entered into force, the area of marine protected areas in the world’s ocean and coastal waters has increased nearly twenty-fold, from 0.3% to 5.7% today. Since the adoption, in 2010, of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity and the Aichi Biodiversity targets, the area of marine protected areas has more than doubled, from 2.4 to 5.7 %.

With commitments made as of today by a number of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, an additional 4.4% percent of marine area will be covered by Marine Protected Areas by 2020.

These national commitments include: increases in protected areas expected from projects already funded; national priority actions identified by countries under their plans submitted to the Convention; and voluntary commitments announced in advance of the Oceans Conference. Three quarters of these new commitments have been made with implementation plans giving confidence that they will be carried out.


Focussing only on areas under national jurisdiction, 14.4% are currently protected; this is projected to rise to over 23% by 2020.

“The world is making tremendous progress in reaching this target for protected areas in our oceans, and the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 has been a catalyzing force” said Dr. Cristiana Pașca Palmer.

“However,” she continued, “we still need to increase efforts”. “We need to ensure that the growing network of Marine Protected Areas is representative of the different ocean ecosystems. We also need to ensure that marine protected areas are managed effectively and fairly.”


“As we mark World Environment Day, these concrete steps towards protecting more of the world's marine areas is another cause for celebration. Our planet's biodiversity is critical for humanity, and all countries must redouble their efforts to reach our common objectives," said Erik Solheim, Head of UN Environment.

Marine Protected Areas contribute substantial social, economic and environmental benefits to society. They provide food security and livelihood security for some 300 million people, help mitigation and adaption to climate change and contribute to coastal protection and disaster risk reduction. Rates of return on investment in marine protected areas are very high. Recognizing the link between protected areas and human benefits, the Convention’s Programme of Work on Protected Areas and the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 takes an inclusive, people-centred approach to management.

The Convention on Biological Diversity is the key international legal instrument for protected areas, supporting and fostering national and multilateral efforts in a comprehensive manner that contribute to achievement of the Sustainable Development Agenda. The date for achievement of the targets for protected areas coincides with the end of the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity.



Poverty UN sustainability goals 1Zero hunger and food security UN SDG2Health and well being UN SDG3Education UN sustainable development goal 4Gender equaltiy for men and women UN SDG 5Sanitation and clean water for all SDG 6

Clean affordable energy for all UN sustainability goal 7Jobs and sustainable economic growth SDG 8Innovation in industry and sustainable infrastructure SDG 9Reduced inequalities for all sustainable development goal 10Cities and communities that are sustainable goal 11Consumption and production that is sustainable SDG 12

Action against climate change sustainable development goal 13Ocean and marine conservation UN sustainable development goals 14Biodiversity conserving life on land SDG 15Justice and institutional integrity for peace SDG 16Partnerships between governments and corporations SDG 17United Nations sustainable  development goals for 2030



Anchovies | Bass | Bream | Catfish | Clams | Cod Coley | Crabs | Crayfish | Eels | Grouper | Haddock | Hake | Halibut | Herring | Jellyfish

Krill | Lobster | Mackerel | Marlin | Monkfish | Mullet | Mussels | Oysters | Perch | Plaice | Pollock | Prawns | Rays | Sablefish | Salmon

Sardines | Scallops | Sharks | Shrimp | Skate | Sole | Sprat | Squid | Sturgeon | Swordfish | Trout | Tuna | Turbot | Whiting









Poverty UN sustainability goals 1Zero hunger and food security UN SDG2Health and well being UN SDG3Education UN sustainable development goal 4Gender equaltiy for men and women UN SDG 5Sanitation and clean water for all SDG 6

Clean affordable energy for all UN sustainability goal 7Jobs and sustainable economic growth SDG 8Innovation in industry and sustainable infrastructure SDG 9Reduced inequalities for all sustainable development goal 10Cities and communities that are sustainable goal 11Consumption and production that is sustainable SDG 12

Action against climate change sustainable development goal 13Ocean and marine conservation UN sustainable development goals 14Biodiversity conserving life on land SDG 15Justice and institutional integrity for peace SDG 16Partnerships between governments and corporations SDG 17United Nations sustainable  development goals for 2030


The 17 SDG headings that the UN hopes will make planet earth a better place to live on. They are a good starting point, but useless on their own, without direction as to how to make it happen. The way to make impact-full change is for every nation to pull together, Each country must play their part. If they are a great farming nation, they must farm sustainably. If they have forests in abundance, they must plant more trees. Houses should be carbon neutral, vehicles too, energy should be renewable, industrial units fit solar and windgens (if possible) and politicians be honest about their intentions.






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